Swiss Hospital

Surgical Center Swiss Hospital

Swiss Hospital is a full hospital of excellence highly oriented to solve problems efficiently, professional, at a competitive cost and one of the most modern in Monterrey.

About Swiss Hospital Monterrey

Swiss Hospital is a full hospital of excellence highly oriented to solve problems efficiently, professional, at a competitive cost and one of the most modern in Monterrey. The Hospital of excellence include medical specialties like orthopedics and traumatology, upper extremity reconstruction, general surgery, vascular surgery, urology, otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and Bariatric Surgery.


- Dr. Manuel Garcia Garza

Patient Experiences




So you've decided you're ready, Congratulations!

What now?


Get Pre-Qualified

Start by completing out ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION to get qualified for surgery.


Choose a Surgery date

Once Qualified, start looking at a surgery date that fits your schedule


Have Selected Surgery

Once your patient coordinator sets up all the logistics with you, you’re ready for surgery

Are you ready to make one the most important steps in your life?

Get started by finding out if you’re eligible for surgery today…